
Friday, September 10, 2010

Doah's Divine Protection

Since Doah has been in our "news" nearly exclusively, it seems appropriate to post an excerpt about him from the book I am working on now, Raising God's Rainbow Makers. (I do want to thank all of you who have been praying for him. He is doing well; I post updates on the right sidebar of the 100th Lamb blog.

One time Doah decided to take a walk. Doah always loved to walk, but where he ended up was sometimes a mystery and often a worry. He could slip away faster than loose change in a holey pocket. In this instance, Doah was about 5 years old and was planning to accompany me to work. Apparently, tired of sitting on the stoop for longer than he thought it should be necessary for me to dress, he headed off down Lee Highway, a major road through Arlington, Virginia where we lived at the time.

When I emerged from the house, ready to scoop him up into the car, there was no Doah to be seen. I could only imagine what might have happened had he set off down a 4-lane road on foot. Heart pounding from exertion and fear of the worst, I ran up and down each of the side streets, calling his name.

Fortunately, the fourth street I ran down, I hit pay dirt. A man, who had been standing somewhat bewildered in the yard of the church — I didn’t even notice the the name of the church so focused was I exclusively on finding Doah — ran up to me and asked if I were looking for a small, blond boy. Was I? Yes!!

The man was as relieved as I was. He had seen Doah walking down the highway and, worried about his safety, had taken him to the church, confident that the church members could track down his parents. That was before they met Doah. The dialogue with him, as I understand it, when something like this:
Church man: “What is your name?”

Doah: “Doah.”

Church man: “What is your father’s name?”

Doah: “Daddy.”

Church man: “What is your mother’s name?”

Doah: “Mommy.”

Church man: “Where do you live? “

Doah: “Home.”
Everyone was relieved that “Mommy” had shown up to take Doah to where he lived: “home.”

This was just one of many times that Doah seemed to have divine protection.


  1. Such a sweet story about God 's pritection.

    When I was small, I sliped away too following 2 burqa clad women. I walke d with them into a restourant, then not finding my parents around I started crying. The ladie s bought me ice cream. This is how my parents found me when they came looking for me.


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