
Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I think it is time for a light post, so I am sharing here some things that my 7-year-old grandson Nathaniel has said/written in the last week and double-posting for those who follow only Blest Atheist. (Above is a picture of him in the local Christmas parade.)


Yesterday, my daughter Lizzie was IM'ing with her nephew early in the morning. I report here word for word the conversation that she shared.

Nathaniel: Are you at work?
Lizzie: Yup. I am at work. :-(
Nathaniel: Awwww. Don't be sad. I can help.
Lizzie: Really? How?
Nathaniel: "Easy peasy. Do you need anything?
Lizzie: Yes! I need coffee!!
Nathaniel: "Error code. You WANT coffee."


Recently Nathaniel has been singing his own self-made-up version of Twelve Days of Christmas. Actually, he stopped counting at 10. Here is Nicholas' version. This works best if you sing it to the rhythm of the original song:

10. Defribillators
9. Mechanical Pencils
8. Ambulances
7. Doctor Pages
6. Payments
5. Gloves
4. Operations
3. Intellivues (for those not in the know this is a heart monitor company)
2. Ambulances

and a Paramedic in a Medical Treeeeee ...

Now that is evidence that Nathaniel spent too much time in NICU with Nikolina.


And finally, about a week ago, Shane took Nathaniel to school because Lemony was ill. Nathaniel was not pleased with how Shane made lunch or the way he handled the drop-off, and he complained about it.

"Well, Nathaniel," Shane reasoned, "maybe now you will appreciate your mother more."

"Dad," Nathaniel responded firmly, "I wish you would get it right so I could appreciate you!"

The Russians say that a son is vsyo v papu (literally, everything in Papa), which means like father, like son or just like Dad. Nathaniel is absolutely vsyo v papu. When Shane told me about the interchange, I replied, "Now you know what it was like raising you!"

Welcome to one member of the Clan of Mahlou! God has blessed us with quite a character!

G'night now!


  1. That last bit is absolutely pricelessly hilarious! Thanks for the very good chuckle this morning!!

  2. Oh, this is priceless!!!! I am laughing outloud!! A character, indeed!!! The apple doesn't fall far, does it? Loved your light post as are such a great story weaver! ~Janine XO

  3. Out of the mouths of babes! I am LOL! When my brain kicks in, I might be able to come up with some of my own, like my 7 year-old grandson telling me the other day "Mimi, you look so 'SOPHISTICATED' sitting there typing on your computer." He has no idea the meaning of the word!


  4. Oh my gosh, he really is a character! It's a good thing you're writing all of that down!

  5. Hi there! How are you? Thanks a lot for the visits! I appreciate them very much! :) Your grandson surely is smart and funny! :)

    Take care! Happy holidays! :)

  6. That's one awesome kid there!!!!!!!
    There's something on A Thankful Woman's Book of Blessings for you today ELizabeth!

  7. Just thought I'd stop by to wish you a Merry case I don't "see" you between now and then...Sending you my love and best wishes!!! ~Janine XO

  8. Thanks for the follow - consider yourself followed back!

  9. happy holidays to you and your family and im glad that Im back after taking my exams at the right time! merry Christmas my dear. May the heavenly father bless you, your family and your friends and their families. LOVE YOU so much.

  10. Thanks to all of you for comments -- and your "something", Judy. Sorry for taking so long to comment on your comments. Tomorrow I plan to catch on the blogs I have missed this past week!

    Many happy holiday wishes to all of you.


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